My name is Kathy, and I am the soul behind All & Well.
I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada but have spent the better part of the past 7 years in Ireland. From a young age I have enjoyed travelling and exploring, so Ireland has without surprise won over my heart with its abundance of natural beauty and amazing energy.
On the professional level, I am an attuned Reiki and Seichem Master, teacher, facilitator, intuitive, healer and entrepreneur.
On the soul level, I would describe myself as a connector of spirits, Medium, crazy animal lover and intense gratitude enthusiast.
My journey towards enlightenment started about 10 years ago, after experiencing a traumatic event at work that resulted in me leaving what I thought was my dream career. I was left feeling depressed, defeated, suffering from PTSD but most importantly really lost and without purpose. In a moment, my life had significantly shifted gears and I lost a huge part of my self-identity. After seeking professional help to deal with my PTSD I decided that it was time to get back into the swing of things, I jumped right back into the corporate world and used my skillsets to start a successful recruitment business and continued to work in fields that were familiar and comfortable to me. During this time, I felt secure in my personal life and with work but for some reason I did not feel fulfilled. I was not yet ready to admit it, but I was not living my life purpose.
During this time as I built my business, I grew increasingly stressed, success in work did not translate into happiness. Instead, I grew physically ill, yet thousands of dollars on medical tests turned up no cause. Looking back on this now, I can see that this was not the first red flag from the universe, at this point it was practically SHOUTING that I was not in alignment with my true self.
I have always been an avid believer in the beautiful synchronicity between the Western and Eastern healing modalities, since Western medicine could not offer me any guidance I turned to Eastern practices. I had been a receiver of reiki, sound therapy, reflexology, and other treatments for years and was very much into meditation, yoga, crystals and so forth. I decided I needed a dramatic intervention of sorts, so I booked myself a restorative wellness retreat at a place that is literally built on the most sacred, intensely beautiful energy ground containing a super deposit of Clear Quartz. Truly this place is pure magic, the amount of energy in this location is unrivalled, everything you feel here is amplified beyond measure.
During my time here, I connected with my inner being. I received intense energy treatments that broke down my energy blocks and helped me learn what my soul’s purpose was. I mourned the losses I had accumulated in my life, and I finally identified a way to step into and own my gifts of Mediumship without the fear of what others thought of me.
This was the catalyst for my journey of self- discovery and on-going spiritual enlightenment. I knew to be fulfilled I needed to find a way to share my gifts in a capacity that can help serve the masses and have an authentic lasting impact on people’s lives. For me that meant pursuing a career in intuitive energy work, guidance, and teaching. I have spent years learning and practicing different disciplines that complement my work and life purpose. From here All & Well was created, manifested, divinely guided, and brought into existence through purposeful words and actions.
Being able to openly share my gifts with others is one of the most nerve wreaking, fulfilling, and rewarding experiences of my life. I am humbled by your interest in my journey. I thank you for taking the time to listen to my story but more importantly I thank you for showing up for yourself today. Deep down we all know when we are out of alignment, and this right here will hopefully be a memorable step on your own journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.